Typeface Design - "Peeler"

My typeface "Peeler" is a handmade san-serif typeface that is simultaneously organic, lively and tender and has been created entirely with orange peels. The imperfections and fragility of each of the peels brings to mind the excitement of youth while also reminding us of its fleeting beauty. The inner part of the peel gives an interesting texture to the typeface and by twisting and curling the peel, the typeface becomes more alive and full of motion.

This project was for Advanced Problems 1 class at UMSL.
The goal for this project was to design a typeface out of non-traditional materials and create posters to showcase the typeface.
My typeface "Peeler" is a handmade san-serif typeface that is simultaneously organic, lively and tender and has been created entirely with orange peels.  The imperfections and fragility of each of the peels brings to mind the excitement of youth while also reminding us of its fleeting beauty. The inner part of the peel gives an interesting texture to the typeface and by twisting and curling the peel, the typeface becomes more alive and full of motion. 
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